UNIYEAST consists of dried yeast (Sacccharomyces cerevisiae) and nutrients & optimised to produce high quality & volume Ethanol. Our products with high alcohol fermentation rate are suitable for applications based on Corn, Wheat, Sugarcane, Sweet Sorghum or molasses based Ethanol production.
- Ash content : < 1.0%
- pH : 4.5 - 6.0
- Dry Matter : > 94%
- Ethanol Tolerance : ~ 16% v/v
- Temperature Tolerance : 40 ⁰C
- Lead : < 2.0 mg/kg
- Total Arsenic : < 2.0 mg/kg
Want to know more?
Our products are fast fermenting, high alcochol and temperature tolerant strain of Yeast derived specially for producing higher alcohol yields alongwith maintaining high cell count even during high gravity fermentations.